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Syndicating Indymedia Ireland NewsWelcome to the Indymedia Ireland Syndication page. From here you can find out how to obtain Indymedia content to include on your own website or to use in one of the many desktop news syndication applications. Indymedia Ireland offers two forms of syndication aimed at different needs:
RSS Syndication RSS is a standardised XML format for distributing news content, used by many news sites around the world including most other Indymedia sites. This form of syndication is intended for two types of user. The first being an end user who uses a desktop application such as Awasu, Feedreader or RDF Ticker, and the other being the many news aggregators who compile news from different sources into one news feed. One such aggregated newsfeed is the Global Indymedia news feed which gathers together headlines from all around the Indymedia world. You can find out more about this at the Global Indymedia syndication page. To access the RSS newsfeed you should enter the following url into your RSS application: Should you wish to filter the newsfeed for specific categories or search terms you can use the URL generator to retrieve the specific RSS URL you require. Javascript Syndication The second form of syndication we offer is via a dynamically generated javascript newsfeed. This is intended for website developers who may wish to include an Indymedia Ireland newswire on their own site. Of course this can be done via the above mentioned RSS syndication, but it would require RSS programming knowledge and access to backend scripting facilities. However the javascript newsfeed is simply a couple of lines that be easily inserted into any webpage with minimum fuss. Several code examples of how to include the newsfeed on your website have been provided on our examples page To access the Javascript newsfeed you should enter the following url into your html code as shown in the examples: Should you wish to filter the newsfeed for specific categories or search terms you can use the URL generator to retrieve the specific Javascript URL you require. Filtering the newswire is useful if wish to have a newsticker that is relevant to your site. For instance if you run a site about a certain topic you can use a filter to only show stories concerning that topic on your newsticker. |