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offsite link What do you make of the Russia and China Partnership? Tue Feb 28, 2023 16:26 | The Saker
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Public Inquiry
Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005

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Lockdown Skeptics

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offsite link Shocking Rise in Whale, Dolphin and Porpoise Strandings as Wind Farms Proliferate Around British Coa... Mon Oct 28, 2024 07:00 | Chris Morrison
The evidence that offshore wind farms are responsible for more and more strandings of whales and Dolphins is becoming increasingly hard to ignore, says Chris Morrison, the Daily Sceptic's Environment Editor.
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offsite link News Round-Up Mon Oct 28, 2024 00:48 | Toby Young
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offsite link Trump Will ?Unleash All-Out War? on Keir Starmer if he Wins U.S. Presidential Election Sun Oct 27, 2024 17:00 | Toby Young
According to Conservative Party insiders, Donald Trump has vowed to launch "all out war" against Sir Keir Starmer if he wins the Presidential election.
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offsite link Women?s Equality Party to Euthanise Itself Sun Oct 27, 2024 16:55 | Toby Young
The co-founders of the Women's Equality Party, whom Julie Bindel describes as "posh wazzocks", have published a long, rambling article in the Observer explaining why they want to shut it down. Too successful, apparently.
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The Sunday Papers.

category international | miscellaneous | opinion/analysis author Sunday May 09, 2004 15:00author by iosaf the ipsiphi Report this post to the editors

"We are now in the Driving Seat fumbling with the wires trying to get a spark"

Big issue today.
Help the 246,000,000 children under 14 years of age who daily compete with the workers of Ireland who can't go protesting
to earn less than an average of 40cents.
Eurocents at that!

Barcelona Forum 2004 has been declared open, and now we all over have the God Given Right blessčd by the King of Spain to tell you all how to sort out your problems.
As long as we don't spoil his son's wedding, there's cake for everyone, except the protesters who take time off work over here, and don't know how Universal Dialogue is supposed to be done.
from the Atlantic to the Urinal is Europe's Goal. From Cyprus to Kashmir is the goal implied in these flags. "iraq-ireland-israel" (alphabetically ordered we are piggie in the middle)
from the Atlantic to the Urinal is Europe's Goal. From Cyprus to Kashmir is the goal implied in these flags. "iraq-ireland-israel" (alphabetically ordered we are piggie in the middle)

So I thought to tell you about lots of places and lots of people today and what's going on with them.

Europe is next to Russia.
Russia is next to Chechnya which is next to Turkey. Turkey is just up from Israel which is just across from Cyprus. This used to cause worry till earlier this week, we erased Cyprus from the EU Welcome Postage Stamp so as to try and hide the stupidity of Bertie's enlargement agenda. There have so far been no indications that anyone in the "Chechnya/Caucus/Armenia/Kurdistan/ Iraq/Isreal/Iran/Turkey corner of the world has noticed. This is because they are very busy.

The President of Chechnya has been killed.
Akhmad Kadyrov and at least three others died today in an explosion at Grozny's Dynamo stadium, according to Russian officials. Forty-four people were reported wounded at the stadium

They were there to mark the end of the "Great Patriotic War" which is what former Soviets call WW2 when the NAZI empire in the east was broken.

Since the beginning of 2004 more than 30 "top level ministers" in the area stretching from the Balkans to the Caucus have died.
Some by being bombed, some by catching planes that crashes, one who's car just crashed, and another who rather more 1950s style just fell out a window.

They have such terrible luck don't they?

South America:-

Mexico and Cuba are having a tiff.
Mexico is ruled by Mr Fox, who is an Oil Billionaire, and lives just over the border from Mr Bush in Texas. Mr Bush is an Oil Billionaire as well. They both get along really well, Mr Bush speaks Spanish, and Mr Fox speaks English. And they use the same vocabulary. They both also worship Bulls, and have agreed over fifteen (you check I'm underestimating) cross border initiatives on oil exploration, handling immigrants, setting up a nature reserve which has been condemned for being an eco-disaster, oil exploration, pretty bull exchange, and oil exploration.

Mr Fox greeted the new Spanish Regime, "The Cake for everyone no-one but no-one is spoiling the wedding, and they're both as lefty as royal couples can get" Regime, by promising to undo corruption.
Corruption is another thing Mr Bush and Mr Fox have agreed to do together.
they do it very well.

Anyway, Mr Fox doesn't have the benefit of a worldfamed viagra toting 70+yr old Hawk in his cabinet, and so without the Rumsfeld factor, has had to be more traditional to shore up support for the agreements. (you remember, Oil, Oil, Oil, Corruption and Bull worship).
So he's attacked Cuba, so far it's only diplomatical and economical but it it's the start of something. Mexico is a house divided, and the home to the Chiapas community. Cuba is where buena vista social club came from, and where Fidel Castro is. JFK did Cuba when Krushchev did Turkey, or was it the other way round?

Oh very bad, people are very upset, and they're not European Union members yet.
A boat has been prevented leaving Brazil by Greenpeace on route for Turkey. The crew were attempting to mix GM and normal grain.
the USA in the last 4 years, put extreme pressure on the states of South America and the Vatican to adopt genetically modified food.
This is because Bush, Fox and Rumsfeld and Ltd.Co. want to feed the poor, raise up the meek and GM food is the best way to do it.

Oh very bad, the airport is closed again.
The airport closes as often as Knock. But not due to fog or immaculate intervention, no airplanes into and out of Iran have a nasty habit of crashing. Through the majority of the last four years, (taken at random as a neat sort of number and for no other reason) more than ten planes carrying government ministers or aviation /military advisors either into or out of Tehran have crashed.
This is probably the dodgy russian planes they still fly, and naturally has nothing to do with their regime, or their Oil. Iran has a regime which is termed an "islamic republic" but it's a different type of Islam to the Islam closer to home. Most young female Turks I have spoken to often say things like "without attaturk we would be like Iran". Most young male Turks I've spoken to say things like "without Syria we would be like Iran".
This is one of the reasons, I never wrote about Cyprus. And did my best to tell that big muppet and little rascal Bertie not to go near it with a barge pole.

Oh things are very bad.

In Pakistan, the "far east of asian continental Islam". Oh things are very bad. Last Friday 14 people (the usual figure) died when a mosque was bombed. Mosques are where muslims pray and meet. They are rather like Churches except they're shaped differently and no one wears shoes. Well anyway the young pakistani men instead of playing fine cricket like thier cousins in the immigrant communities of the UK, Ireland and Spain, have been very angry instead. And in the last hours have angrily burnt cars and a police station and by now will have of course, forgotten about it and moved on to a new and trusting relationship with not only their own military regime but it's US backers.

Afhganistan:- This is where Ossama lives.
Ossama is very famous, I told you the Jordanians secret service told us all about OSsama in the beginning in 1995, the same week Ossama (who obviously reads my sunday papers) decided to bomb the Jordanian secret service. So This week, I have to be very clear.

Ossama if you're reading.
IT's not funny anymore.
You have no sense of humour,
The American is not capable of understanding you, and your "jihad" is misplaced.

Anyway, this week several U.S. marines were shot at in Afhganistan, whilst searching for the Taliban, who the US installed to replace the Soviet puppet regime. The ISAF force which is a coalition of UN military, police and inteligence forces which does it's best to keep some type of "order" in this part of the world, and works alongside the US Marines, who have to be there, because it says so in the US constitution.
(article post HFK :- called the "pax americana clause : uncle sam has to have soldiers everywhere")
ISAF has not indicated that this years order will be any smaller than last years. Opium as we know can be stored for almost three years so the Global Heroin market can at worst suffer two year loss of "the Order" and not see the cities and prisons of the West (where we live) descend into barbarity in less than a week due to suspension of the properly taxed and accountable and completely above board global Narcotic Production Base.

Computer News.
It appears there are still some things the FBI and the CIA can agree on. They agreed that the author of the Sassar virus was a russian. OF course he wasn't, he was a german, and 18 years old at that. His little worm targetted microsoft systems and meant that most of us got attachments and bounces of email addresses over the last week. The route the virus took was interesting, it went out east first, to happy Russia and then back through the Baltics taking particular interest in one of Finland's main banks. It then went through the offices of easyFM104, and the Irish Taoiseach before going through a Barcelona internet café and on to someone called bozavine.
Itchy and Scratchy no?

maps and info on Central & South America :-

the varied homeland chickens that might yet come home to roost before we see the end of the Bush thing include America's loudest preacher, Louis Farrakan.
He's joined the prop/counter prop battle for voters of America.
http://www.indymedia.no/otherpress/display/110/index.php (for link to video)
Farrakan believes (put very simply) that all blue eyed people are descended from an antedeluvian (pre the Great Flood of Noah) genetic experiment by an evil scientist. He argues the creation of a seperate islamic afro-american state, through his organisation "Nation of Islam". His recipe is very volatile and feeds on elements of the very problematic Puritan work ethic as enshrined in US Culture and northern afro-americans, with a radical islam which followed Malcolm X. It is though a rejection of the Marcus Garvey Liberian project. Farrakan seeks his seperate state on homeland US soil. Louis Farrakan quite famously convened the "one million man" march on Washington. Which summoned one million discontented afro-american males to Washington.
Well, 70% of Washington city is afro-american, and it's a big city. So Farrakan's assembly could not have been argued to have been very representative of Black American opinion, but the Goebbel's trick seemed to work somewhere in Dixie's twisted mind.
THe usual arguments were had about how many people had actually turned up. And the mathematical problem was handed to the very famous Farouk El-Baz Oh you say, El-Baz old Farouk, is he still doing the rounds?

oh yes, he's the remote sensing dude of Egypt who helped put the Saudi prince in Space isn't he?
And I'd say yes, he is.
Read his CV:-
Anyway old Farouk is good at counting grains of sand on the beach. He oversees the programs which tell geological strata type at a distance, so if there's oil under the sand of a desert be it on Earth or Mars, and he decided using fractal anaylsis tools that Farrakan hadn't indeed mobilised one million men.

The furore over torture of iraqi prisoners by soldiers continues. Bush will in a week seem capable of placing a distance between himself and viagra boy Rumsfeld and all the permed twni set non smoking stepford wives will concur that the pictures do not represent any possible America nice Mr Dubya would know.
It would be a good time for Hilary and Ltd. Co. to do her million woman thing.... Or would it?
Aha there's is the US election thing.

As everyone knows, I opted for Wesley Clark.
I thought the only way to redeem the US at that time (2003 when Deputy "our" Joe Higgins was banged up by Bertie in Mountjoy - he may be a trot but he's our trot!) was the selection of a general.
ON the priniciples that he's a general, the general who 5 years ago was given to the task of fucking up our eastern frontiers and beighbours by Clinton.

And he's not a billionaire and not into bull worship and just into being a soldier which might be helpful now that Europe is so effete and decadent and hippy punky yellow bellied and America (our ally and protector) is so up to it's more fragile than it realises neck, in a war zone that stretches from the Balkans to Kashmir.
Wesley spoke at length about treatment of prisoners on his radio program last night.
He doesn't do music. Nor do you get what's on your local area", it's just aarf aaarf aaaarf, our boys, bring 'em home. sort of stuff.

Anyway Bertie is going with Kerry.
and burying the Devil.
and of course the divil will rise again.
which will be a few years down the line,
in the Babalon End Time War Game.
watch out for that.

& Palestine:-

I really wish Edward Said had lived. I really wish loads had lived. Likud is splitting. The House of Isreal, Europe's Son, is divided.
All it's parties, it's communities, it's institutions. the rejection by Likud of Sharon's plans to clear Gaza of settlers, might prompt serious conflict within not only his own party but with all the range of Palestinian and Arabic groups. The pressure is mounting and the forthcoming Sharon & Bush summit to be held close to the Bush & Burlsucunti gig has this morning been cancelled.
Liberal and non zionist members of the European Jewish family needless to say are very worried about the defusing of a bomb at a French synagogue last night. Synagogues are like Mosques in that they are places people meet and pray, but they're shaped differently.
Lots of the European Jewish family say things to me like "why can't the Palestinians just not be in the home as well?", and "who the hell told us we could go back to our land and built a ghetto instead", and
this is a long one
(my jewish friends make long sentances)

"I don't want to Israel to be the capital of an implied pan-arabic economic and military zone serving the primary energy and security concerns of the USA in the mid XXI century and quite as result clashing with the EU project of establishing a pan-arabic economic zone serving the primary energy and security concerns of the EU in the mid XXI century with Turkey as it's capital."

I tell them not to worry about a thing, most people think they're Palestinian anyway because they look quite similar to be honest.

THey then say things like
"well then you look British"
Whereupon I kick them in the shins, because you've go to be stern, or else people take the piss.


Remember that.

You've got to be stern.
Or else people take the piss.
And then you'd be piss-less.

maps and info on Central & South America :-
maps worldwide:-

author by foul playpublication date Mon May 10, 2004 16:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Things you need to remember about Fox:-

1. he worships Bulls.
2. he's a pal of Bush (who also worships Bulls)
3. he's an Oil billionaire.
4. he has only this last month thought it necessary to suggest adding the radical "innocent till proven guilty" concept to Mexican Law.
5. he's evry unpopular.

Things you need to remember about Castro:-
1. he doesn't worship bulls.
2. he was a pal of Krushchev
3. he's not an oil billionaire
4. he' not the same as he used to be, but that's natural, hes getting old.
5. he's as popular as unpopular.

Things you need to know about Cuba:-
1. it's not the same as it used to be.
2. it's still Cuban.
3. Castro someday will no longer be about.
4. No-one else has ever demonstrated any ability to "do Cuba".

Things you need to know about Mexico:-
1. with the right type of inspiration, it could reclaim the nuclear test zones, area 51 and the oil fields from it's northern neighbour for illegally annexing them.
2. Its home to the Zapatistas.
3. people in Mexico are simply put "chiringitos" or "gringos" or "zapatistas".
4. It's five main political parties had to seek the help of hackers to sort out the passwords to a series of encoded bank account keys at teh centre of a corruption scandal which made Ireland's off shore accounts look like pilfering. (which they weren't).
5. It was one the main portals used by the "atlantic tribe" of Vampyres in the mid 16th century.
6. the air in Mexico City is so bad you can buy oxygen by the minute while your car is stopped at the traffic lights. But not always, depends on the traffic lights. You could instead find yourself minus both chiringito kidneys instead and your car in very small servicable bits just like you.
7. LAST and most important thing about Mexico:-

It is not a hegamonic power, and has no right to intefere in the internal affairs of the Cuban state, or to use undue pressure on the Peruvian regime to put pressure on Cuba.

Fidel will go when the day comes,
no-one can think of replacing him before,
because "many people tried and failed"
and then the Cubans for themselves
and themselves alone will "do Cuba".
And it is very likely that loads of Cubans in the Dixie state of Florida where Jeb Bush is governer will try and intefere.
This would be very wrong, after all;
"no tax no representation".

keep an eye on the temperature as it rises:-


of the 25,000 expected first day visitors to the Forum2004 very very expensive sort of smells the way the Dome smellt zone in BCN only 16,000 made it.
This is due to a wildcat action by public transport workers and the malfunction of a new and very expensive and very complex tram line system which meant the day was less electro-magnetic than it could have been.
Of course there were upset people, and so on, but that's par for the course, and today Greenpeace has called for work on the "showcase of environmental sustainability" to be called off. Coz it isn't.

:-Good news for dippy conspirational types is that no stark moonrakers were sighted, and nobody need ever know, till the next white elephant project has to be gently but effectively undone. just like the dome.

author by iosaf the ipsiphi - hasta la Victoria siempre!publication date Mon May 10, 2004 19:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The much needed sideways squint at the news.

Tony O'Reily's morning pap, told you it was unbelievable act of defiance that Akhmad Kadyrov was smithereened at exactly the same time that Mr Vlad the ras-Putin stood to take the salute and remember "The Great Patriotic War". This is because, Tony (my pal Tony) and all the staff at unison, and the hopefully not gone back to work yet, Belfast Telegraph are all:-
quite civilised people. "give or take a mortgage".
It is natural for quite civilised people to look at the newsbreak yesterday, and write they way they do, serving the continuing pappy uncritical and neither silly enough nor inteligent enough thinking that goes on in Ireland and the rest of neaby "Civilisation".

Oh they think, Akhmad Kadyrov was Vlad the ras-Putin's representative, therefore it had to be the seperatists that smithereened him.

Sorry, but it doesn't really work that way.

It is now two years since the tragic death of John Smith, who managed to make a great career in great politics despite being the custodian of such an ordinary name. He had two ordinary names. The sort of names paedophile priest Oliver Clonan, might have used after Fr. Jack style faking his death and going to live in Australia.
But John Smith, was special and beloved of his three children.
He was the man of whom The Guardian asks today, "could he have been the best Taoiseach the UK never had"?

If you're tired of trolling here, you can join the independent media inspired (our indy not Tony O'Reilly's) chat room have a troll section.
They ask if he had lived would he he won the 1997 UK General election. This of course as careful readers of the days of the week will remember one year before I took up residence in "the most tranquil livingroom sort of chilling out space with enough space for a sofa bed if someone visited, and really good satelite TV connections". & for the benefit of more civilised trusting media gullible types who aren't caerful readers,
the period when John Major started tucking his shirt into his underpants and breeding toads in his basement.

It was a very bad time.

RTS! hooked up with the striking Liverpool workers and converged on Trafalgar Sq. The Tricolour of the Irish Republic flew on the steps of St. Martin in the Fields. 70,000 poor victims of Reagonomics and the wanton sale of "the family silver" did their best to make a point.
And accordingly we got "that man".
Tony Blair began the new Labour post Thatching project of New World Order.
Tony won the election, and got very snooty very quickly, most notably in this sceptred isle of Ireland, where all the most important decisions relating to British Politics are made, and in London where we continue to hold common law lease on some important sites.
We had to shop his teenage son for being drunk and disorderly to rein him back in a while. & Ken Livingstone went pinky winky something we shall yet not forgive.
& The rest is too recent to properly be considered either gossip or history.
It is politics. & Mr Blair is in fact, gall it so to write, a very clever politician who often plays very good if not machiavellian politics.
You'd expect that, he has been the Queen of England's prime minister for a long time now. She isn't politcal (at all at all). But rumours are she's unhappy about lots of things. It's Mr Blair's job to do the machiavellian things to cheer her up. Without pissing us of Eire who are the real bosses too much.

oh the gall-
the gall is
that Mr Blair is not going anywhere.
He is as I once quipped to our young peace activist European election candidate Eoin Dubksy a big kind of fish.

He won't end up like Fidel Castro, living it out till mid eighties or even nineties, (look at Beuna Vista Social Club - cigars, sex, good music, rum, proximity to vampyres and spliffs is good for longevity). But we can for the moment consider him "beyond the reach of predators".

Mr Vlad the ras-Putin must now select a new government for Chechnya. [no-one knows how to either pronounce or write Chechnya, the BBC did it's best at the beginning of the war to offer three official variations. works perfectly every time, Ossama being another example). And of course he has vowed to have revenge, the Irish Independent reports so, in tones that almost vindicate what is happening now in Tschenia and will go on happening in Gróznya till the next newsbreak they read first _"here"_
Expect that.

If you want to find a Mick Murphy and replace Bertie Ahern with him, go ahead. If he looks like Ray Mc Nally all the better. Meanwhile, one young man is offering himself for election to the European Parliament this year.
He's quite possibly one of the nicest people of his age group who will see their deposit raised and doors a-knocked. I have tested his sense of humour on many occasions and even given him a telephone call at one stage. Lovely man, softly spoken, very european, speaks English and French. Principled, bit academic, still got a few spots, has had a steady girlfriend and has never shown any symptoms of psychosis.
So I'm glad to say he is in the _mostly harmless_ box, very much our type of Lefty XXI revolutionary, the kind we really want to see a lot more of. The kind we really want to see succeed, thank you all very much.

Because these people are _very civilised_ need only very small nets to catch if they go toad breeding, and thankfully are so small there's more eating on a running hare.
And most importantly if entrusted with big budgets, these people don't bring a Mandelson upon us and all those tippy toppy secret but oft hinted at dreaded Dr. the Hon O'asif problems. This means we don't have to send them to our wee six secret labs till they're quietly forgotten about. Because this always causes a lot of problems for our beloved ulster peoples.

a vote for Eoin is a vote for Buena Vista.

John Smith was "geniune, he didn't fake it",
He came of a party that was once a movement.
He died 12 May 1997. and is buried on the Hebridean island of Iona.

check out the photos below this article of "gobbleyeducky double dutch":-
see! civilised people.
just like us.
try and understand them.

le monde. like the daily telegraph, it's not really an activists newspaper. so this cartoon is weightier. we may think of it  is as a loop in a very big support net which is being brought to sea by a beautiful fleet of mythic proportions.
le monde. like the daily telegraph, it's not really an activists newspaper. so this cartoon is weightier. we may think of it is as a loop in a very big support net which is being brought to sea by a beautiful fleet of mythic proportions.

author by iosafpublication date Tue May 11, 2004 13:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The dossier on systematic torture prepared by Le Monde:-

France has reiterated what everyone knows.
There will be no French Military involvement in Iraq.

An interesting article on the work of decryption at timed needed
to understand Dixie’s relationship with the CIA, interesting if only for the reference made to Claire Whelan, a student at Dublin City University.

What a small world it is eh?
Only yesterday I told you Blair is gall it to write, "not going".
C/f: comment above!

At long last, that man Blair, has confided “to close associates”, (last night in fact),
That he will step down as leader of New Labour, if he has become a liability to that party’s re-election. We would then have to deal with Gordon Brown,
(whom we have long been grooming for the rôle).

for fans of the “Eastern frontier of the EU” the German daily Die Zeit, has an interesting article focussing on Georgia (which borders Turkey) and is just down the road from Chechnya. Interesting if only for the reference to JFK and (as I am always reminding ye all) the continuing relevance of what really happened during the JFK presidency.
Because despite having listened to all the declassified tapes, (published by OUP America 1995) I am still not convinced - of anything.

Remember Hans Blix the really quite cool Swedish Neutral Block ex inspector general of nuclear weapons will be doing an online chat at Die Zeit tomorrow.
He can answer your questions in Swedish, German or English.

go to the site and find the forum.

In Barcelona, some more disappointments for the White Elephant UNICEF Forum.
Delors, Clinton and Kohl have all dished the invite and won’t be coming near the Pie Pie crew. The tram lines are being cleaned from end to end, and won’t be fully operationaly for another two weeks, so they say.

The Saudi have done a deal with the US to reduce the price of Oil, the rise in price being the tragic consequence of the Iraqi War, and meant an extra 8$ a barrel for whomever wanted to sell Oil this week. Some of the people who sell Oil have very familiar names. Bush Fox Saudi to name but three.
Strange how it works eh?

Bush has condemned Cuba for being Fidel’s and in the last 48 hours restricted social welfare rights of Cuban exiles, and supported Fox’s attack on the land of Buena Vista Social Club up to the hilt. If you feel up to reading daily updates from the Revolutionary Commitee of Cuba, (Fidel’s government a sort of bolshevik stepford wives outfit) then sign up here writing subscribe in the message:-
claudia_camba (at) elbolson.com
or read the 7/5/04 message at http://barcelona.indymedia.org/newswire/display/88868/index.php
a omar hassem went trolling there yesterday and prompted Fr Ted’s reply
(in case you’re wondering).

oh and if you want a silver coin to remember the wedding of the year, they are now available at 12€. I just hope that as soon as they are married, no-one gets the idea of restoring more normal traditional conditions in the most civilised country on earth.

author by samedipublication date Fri May 14, 2004 16:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors


rough translate:-
Putin without blushing, has announced that the son of assasinated checnyan president Ajmad Kadirov will replace him.
brief multi language opinion research background for all of you my brave pals, comrades, family in faith, erse, elfin, and even the rozzers.

on Ramzan Kadirov :-
Chechenia después de Kadirov
Sin embargo, el hijo del asesinado mandatario, Ramzan Kadirov, puede jugar un papel importante en el futuro checheno y torpedear los planes de Putin, desatando ...

NOL - Népszabadsá g Online
... felgyújtottá k. Ramzan Kadirov szavai szerint a rajtaütést Ahmet Avtarhanov, Maszhadov testorségének parancsnoka irányította. A ...

INTERNACIONAL en eluniversal.com - Chechenia en alerta por aumento de la violencia
... Chechenia sepultó a Ajmad Kadírov, su presidente asesinado en el atentado que el pasado domingo ... Mientras tanto, Ramzán, hijo de Kadírov, se convirtió en el segundo hombre ...

Novi list on line..
... ubojstva dosadašnjeg predssjednika. Ramzan Kadirov i njegovi istomišljenici tvrde da ce osvetiti Kadirova. Krvna osveta u Ceceniji ...

La Opinión Digital
... Asesinado el presidente checheno. Ajmad Kadirov pierde la vida en un atentado dinamitero con un saldo de más ... de Putin consolando a Ramzán, hijo de Kadirov y jefe de la ...

24ur.com - Kdo je bil Ahmad Kadirov?
... Sina Ahmada Kadirova je po objavi smrti cecenskega predsednika sprejel ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin: Ramzan Kadirov (levo) je kot vodja varnostne službe ...

... Attentat ŕ la bombe ŕ Grozny : Le président tchétchčne Akhmad Kadirov tué -- ... Il venait de rencontrer le fils de Kadirov, Ramzan. Plus... ...

Ozgur Politika
... Abramov'un, yardimciligina ise Ahmed Kadirov'un oglu Ramzan Kadirov getirildi. Ramzan Kadirov, Devlet Baskanligi Muhafiz ...

... El hijo de Kadírov se convierte en una fuerza clave en Chechenia. Ramzán, hijo del asesinado presidente chechén, Ajmad Kadírov, se convirtió en ...

POL | Destaque | Atentado bombista decapita a direcçăo político ...
... Kadirov morreu, mas partiu sem ser vencido", declarou o senhor do Kremlin num encontro com Ramzan Kadirov, filho do dirigente assassinado. ...

Politika - Külföld hírek
... A merénylet célpontja Ramzan Kadirov, a Kreml támogatta csecsenföldi adminisztráció vezetőjének ... Azt használta ki, hogy Ramzan Kadirov a faluba érkezett az irányítá sa ...

this last one (in the english you like your news sources in, is a delight of arabic rhetoric. Full of adverbs and adjectives if you know what I mean, sure some of you do.)
19. Jihad in Chechnya
Bislan Gantamirov, the noble Shaykh Ahmad Kadirov, the Chief Mufti ... to a villager, last December 17 the militants seized Ramzan, head of the...

pre assasination top hits:-

Ramzan is believed by many Chechnyans to be involved in murder, rape, torture, and heroin trafficing. Horses for Courses. indeed.
And therefore no-one but on-one expects Chechyna to be that happy. But almost to a one the chattering classes went

"oh you have to be stern,
if you're not stern,
they take the piss".

= I blame the Christian Brothers.

1. Online NewsHour: War Without End -- January 22, 2004
... sides in order to work with the Russians, says he has a plan for restoring security to Chechnya, a plan that is being enacted by his own son, Ramzan Kadirov. ...

2. Newsbriefs from Chechnya
... were from a division located in the village and headed by Ramzan Kadirov. Amrudi Djanaliev’s fate is unknown ...

... Befoe they blamed Ramzan Akmadov. Then, they remembered about Basaev ... Chechen people hate traitors, therefore neither Kadirov nor other traitors have any future in Chechnya. ...

4. Asia Times Online - The trusted source for news on Central Asia
... meet and get a stunning interview from Amir Ramzan, the commander of one of the Chechen groups ... Chechen President Akhmad Kadirov, in a recent press conference in Grozny, said ...

5. Politikafórum
... Elso miniszterelnök-helyettesi kinevezésével így Ramzan Kadirov az Oroszországhoz tartozó észak-kauká zusi köztársasá g második emberévé vált. ...

6. Action against Kadyrov in Kurchaloy district
They contain no appeals and slogans against Kadirov. Extracts from the interview of the administration head's son Ramzan to the Chechen...


]personal archive note thing:- better than the equivalent of an historical post-it[

mid asia, #5/11, narcoMA, Nixon, farasia, westEU- so I like remember where I am.

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