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Do you think Bulgaria Fascist?

category national | miscellaneous | news report author Wednesday February 26, 2003 22:47author by ipsiphiauthor address barcelona Report this post to the editors

a brief synopsis being the second of a series

Bulgaria is a member of the UN security council. It presently is supporting Bush on Iraq. It holds its membership till December 2003. As such it is playing a key role in assuring that Iraq complies with international missile rules. If you check my now legendary list of SCUD and al samoud missiles that I published long ago when this sham was still interesting. you will find-

That IISS lists 8 SS-23 launchers in Bulgaria, despite
prohibition of SS-23 missiles by the INF Treaty. IISS are a global
strategic institute in Sweden you dont go arguing with them.
Yes. Bulgaria broke the rules.bad bad Bulgaria.

a short history of Bulgaria for an Irish readership.

Bulgaria is like Venezuela an Oil exporting country. It lies to the
east of Dublin´s Fitzwilliam Street where the Bulgarians or
"bulgars" if you wish be inaccurate have an embassy.
(you might consider going to the embassy and asking the "bulgars
some questions about the illegal weapons Mr O´as-if pointed out they
had in a footnote last year).

Bulgaria left the Ottoman Empire back in the nineteenth century and gave the world some traditionally based chamber music, some pretty dinky types of pottery very strong
wine and a series of ·nasty· dictators, the Ottoman empire was based around a variety of Turkish dynastiic possesions that ranged at varying stages from Sevilla in modern day España (an ally of Bush) to Baghdad. (the enemy of Bush).

back in the nineteenth century and gave the world some traditionally based chamber music, some pretty dinky types of pottery very strong
wine and a series of ·nasty· dictators.

One of these was a ·royal· dictator, in that he was a "King". Anyway not to bore you with history Bulgaria was one of the ·axis of evil· (the WWII one that included NAZI Germany, Italy, Rumamia and Japan. España also played a part. [see "do
you think Spain fascist" for a little history and some daily updates on España at http://www.ireland.indymedia.org/cgi-bin/newswire.cgi?id=30594].

----so more Bulgarian essential history, but less of the "dictator-chat" and more of the Bartok will probably make your visit to Fitzwilliam streets legation a little bit smoother.

By 1939 Bulgaria had moved inexorably into the fascist sphere of Germany and Italy. The country was tied to the former for economic reasons and because Germany promised territorial revision for
Bulgaria, and to the latter because Boris was married to the daughter of King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy. In the late 1930s, Bulgaria
continued to seek rapprochement with Yugoslavia; a friendship treaty was signed in 1937, and a renunciation of armed intervention in 1938. This would of course have an effect on Yugoslav/Bulgarian relations something Serbia seemed to inherit later. When Germany took the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia in 1938, it
ended the anti-German Little Entente alliance of Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and Romania and pushed Yugoslavia closer to Bulgaria.

For the benefit of the youngsters, who still wet themselves when they read 1984 and stuff, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovaka and the USSR were countries back in 20th century Europe. They of course existed before New World Order.

When World War II began in September 1939 with the German invasion of Poland, Bulgaria declared neutrality, but this position was inevitably altered by big-power relationships.

remember that phrase.
"big power relationship".

The Nazi-Soviet alliance of 1939 improved Bulgaria's relations with the Soviet Union, which had remained cool, and yielded a Bulgarian-Soviet commercial treaty in 1940. The pro-Western Bulgarian Prime Minister Georgi Kioseivanov was deposed that year in favor of pro-German Bogdan Filov, who reduced cultural ties with the West and
instituted a Nazi-type youth league. Meanwhile, Boris strove to maintain neutrality, rejecting Soviet treaty offers in 1939 and 1940.
Boris also rejected membership in the Balkan Entente and in a proposed Turkish-Yugoslav-Bulgarian defense pact, because such moves
would anger Italy, Germany, the Soviet Union, or all three.

now think about that a moment.
try and learn a little.

Under pressure from Hitler, Romania ceded southern Dobruja to Bulgaria by the Treaty of Craiova in 1940. Needing Bulgaria to anchor its Balkan flank, Germany increased diplomatic and military pressure that year. The massing of German troops in Romania prior to invading Greece
removed all remaining flexibility; aware that German troops would have to pass through Bulgaria to reach Greece,

I shall soon offer you a "do you think Greece Fascist?" article. [it is a series]

Bulgaria signed the Tripartite Pact with Germany and Italy in March 1941.

NOTE: The information regarding Bulgaria on this page is re-published from The Library of Congress Country Studies. The Library of Congress
are a USA institution and you dont argue with them.
[¿i really am good with the sources no?]

So you may be thinking oh BAD BAD BULGARIA back in the old days no?
so anyway after the war WWII the russians welcomed Bulgaria into the Warsaw pact of nations.
This meant army, navy and airforce contibuted to Warsaw PAct operations.
Unlike Ireland, whose ariforce was deemed to be one of Europe´s non alinged airforces. I shall shortly tell you more about the N-A airforces of Europe.

meanwhile I can tell you Ireland does not have missiles but does make
component parts for them.
...which is just as good if not better- indeed.

more Bad BAD Bulgaria....
Dimitrov guided the framing of the 1947 constitution on the model of the 1936 constitution of the Soviet Union. The Bulgarian document guaranteed citizens equality before the law; freedom from discrimination; a universal welfare system; freedom of speech, the
press, and assembly; and inviolability of person, domicile, and correspondence. But those rights were qualified by a clause prohibiting activity that would jeopardize the attainments of the
national revolution of September 9, 1944.

sounds lovely.
the STASI tortured my friend´s father using a constitution just like that. Dmitrov by the way is the "father" of communist Bulgaria just like Tito for Yugoslavia. And yes this is relevant.

Citizens were guaranteed employment but required to work in a socially useful capacity. The
constitution also prescribed a planned national economy. Private property was allowed, if its possession was not "to the detriment of the public good." By the end of 1947, all private
industry had been confiscated and financial enterprises nationalized in the culmination of a gradual government takeover that began in
1944. The first two-year plan for economic rehabilitation began in 1947.

important bit to remember was the property clause you may ask the Bulgars about it and then troll through Irish east European investment records.
But it wont turn your hair grey.

this led to the ·post Stalin· phase.
This was a bad time for loads of ·nastytypes·

1955 the Belgrade Declaration restored Soviet-Yugoslav friendship and reinstated Tito to the fraternity of world communist leaders. Because
Chervenkov had branded Tito and the Yugoslavs as arch-villains during his rise to power, this agreement eroded his position. Then, in
February 1956, Nikita S. Khrushchev denounced Chervenkov's patron Stalin and Stalin's cult of personality at the twentieth congress of
the CPSU. Unwilling to stray from the Soviet party line, the BCP also condemned the cult of personality (and, implicitly, Chervenkov's
authoritarianism), advocating instead collective leadership and inner-party democracy. In his 1956 report to party leaders, Zhivkov expressed this condemnation and promised that the party would make amends for past injustices--a clear reference to the fate of Kostov and Chervenkov's other purge victims in the party. Having had his
entire regime repudiated by the party leader, Chervenkov resigned.

Zhivkov, who had thus far remained below Cherv
enkov in actual party power, now assumed the full powers of his party first secretary position. The 1956 April Plenum became the
official date of Bulgarian de-Stalinization in party mythology; after that event, the atmosphere of BCP politics changed significantly.

yes significantly. They got heavy duty sinister.

Data as of June 1992 courtesy of the US congress folk.

this period was followed by a ·really not so nasty· man Mr Todor Zhivkov who skillfully retained control of the Bulgarian government
and the BCP. His regime was a period of unprecedented stability, slavish imitation of Soviet policies, and modest economic

{that included psychiatric pharmocology and espoinage weaponry that included the poisonous tip umbrella and the largest production of truth serum [sodium pentathol]}

After that you come to the nineteen eighties when extensive contact was alledged between KGB the Bulgar secret service and a bunch of
Islamic extremists called the Grey wolves who operated out of Syria where you will remember the Baath party began and of course you know
that this nasty little cabal led to an assasination attempt on John
Paul 2 who is the pope (great man).

¿you did know that didn´t you?

Well yes. Bulgaria of today is looking forward not back. IT is a candidate for the EU at the next round of accesion talks, and
together with its ex-FAscist nieghbour Romania has just been welcomed into NATO.

Bulgaria of today is also engaging with the internet, the Bulgarians are presently building a site "Bulgarian peace keeping operations"
should be great.

Bulgaria like its neighbours has a had ahard time of transition from State centralised communism since the end of the USSR. It´s people however are fine musicians. At least those who I know. And music carries every tyranny every lie every foolish attempt at empire. Music continues and does not alter. Which is why I am very lucky to be a musician. The far right have made considerable grassroot progress in capitalising on the new inequalities in Bulgarian society. It does not seem strange that it finds ready bed mates with Italy and the USA.

maybe there new axis?

list of Scuds and AL Samoud 2 mentioned in comments at scuds
a "bonus extra" link to a cryptology baghdad poet article.
thoughts on Tractors and their potential for urban defence as used by Yugoslavia/serbia.

The following is a complete
list of Security Council Resolutions (SCRs) involving Iraq. ...

Related Link: http://www.cam.ac.uk/societies/casi/info/scriraq.html
author by Sam Mageepublication date Wed Feb 26, 2003 22:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You forgot to mention that the prime minister of Bulgaria is named Simeon Saxecoburggottski. Surely this is all we need to know about Bulgaria.

author by anti caca pipi lalapublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 00:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

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