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Magic Hour For Gates

category international | rights, freedoms and repression | opinion/analysis author Monday March 15, 2021 20:26author by Gary Jordanauthor email thecovid19illusion at protonmail dot com Report this post to the editors

His Time To Answer The Unanswered

Skeletons in the closet....

Bill Gates wants to know everything about you.

He wants to control every aspect of your life.

His insatiable thirst for the supervision and scrutiny of every human being alive has sparked a US$1 billion investment that will blanket the earth in video surveillance satellites, providing real-time feedback with a mere one-second delay. He advocates for Orwellian digital tools to track your every move and has bankrolled US$1.7 billion to provide artificial intelligence that will be used to scan each and every visitor to major event venues worldwide. He wants to do away with end-to-end encryption, so he can snoop on your private conversations. He wants to know when and where you travel and who you travel with. He wants you to eat whatever he says you should eat, drink whatever he says you should drink, think how he wants you to think and know only what he wants you to know. Plus he wants to dictate what goes inside your body.

But he doesn’t want you to know a lot about him.

For instance, in spite of the countless hours he spends babbling on mainstream media, as he preaches to the masses - letting them know what’s good for them - with the aid of obsequious hosts and fawning presstitutes, he consistently fails to mention (or be questioned) of his links to predatory paedophiles. He doesn’t want you to know about any of that. He still believes in personal privacy after all it would seem - especially when it’s to his advantage.

Gates hasn’t, for example, revealed very much about his links to Jeffrey Epstein and the Lolita Express. He also keeps mum concerning his connections with a collector of child pornography and a suspicious video production business, based out of Seattle, known as Magic Hour.

Not a word. Deafening silence.

Joining a long list of fellow filthy rich and filthy minded miscreants such as former US President Bill Clinton, former Israeli President Ehud Barak, Hollywood stars Alec Baldwin and Kevin Spacey and celebrity lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, Bill Gates has indeed boarded the Paedo Plane and spent considerable periods of time in the company of Jeffrey Epstein. Although you would never have thought so, given the lack of media attention it receives, the flight manifests do indeed show that the world’s number one vaccine vendor was a passenger. On top of this, we know that Gates also donated US$2 million to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which the University described as a ‘gift’ from The Gates Foundation, ‘directed’ by Jeffery Epstein.

What’s more is that Bill Gates knew, throughout several of their meetings, what Jeffrey Epstein truly was - a paedophile and a trafficker of children for the rich and famous. He knew of the crimes Epstein was guilty of committing. Regardless, Gates continued to meet him and continued to conduct business with him.

Another curious link between Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein is Boris Nikolic. This is something else that Gates has not been so quick to discuss live on air. Nikolic is a former science and technology advisor to Bill Gates and the two men were involved in a biotech venture capital firm in which Gates invested money. On the death of Epstein, it was discovered that Nikolic was named in his will as a successor executor and would be responsible for taking care of his estate, in the event that the first two named executors were unwilling or unable to do so.

There were also the Transhumanist and Depopulation Agendas that clearly existed between the deviant physics teacher-cum-hedge fund manager and Bill Gates, which raised an eyebrow or two. Gates, who comes from a family renowned for their active involvement in eugenics, and Epstein, who once expressed a wish to seed a race by impregnating women at a ranch in New Mexico, seemed suitably joined at the hip in their bizarre and disturbing world views. Epstein was a generous donor to the World Transhumanist Association and was reported to have lashed out at scientists from Harvard University, who he criticized for attempting to eliminate poverty and hunger, stating that they were contributing to the overpopulation of the planet by doing so. Gates himself has never shied away from openly declaring his burning desire to eliminate this perceived issue, and has even suggested that the use of vaccines may be the way forward in solving it.

Birds of a feather flock together? The softball media approach to Gates fails to enlighten us on these topics.

Lack of journalistic attention, deliberate or otherwise, was evident when arrests at the Gates’ mansion in 2013 in Washington State went unreported for over nine months after they had taken place. These arrests would link Gates to yet another paedophile. A criminal court trial was opened after engineer, Rick Allen Jones, was found to be in possession of child pornography. It was discovered, after a tip-off from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, (NCMEC), that Jones had traded over 6000 graphic images of child abuse and rape with other perverts. One of these images had been traced back to the Gates household, where Jones worked and where he was arrested. Others were labelled by him to signal that they were images containing scenes of bestiality and urophilia. Intriguingly, a couple of them were even given the label ‘Melinda’. Several of them contained photographs of missing children who were known to the NCMEC.

The arrest of the engineer was later followed by an admission and a conviction. A 3000 page Seattle Police Department report gave further details that were absent from the press reports and indicated that the paedophilia extended to a much broader network. For starters, part of the report mentions a man by the name of ‘Brett’ who, according to police, referred to Rick Allen Jones in email correspondence as ‘Uncle RJ’. Brett’s email domain is from a company called Magic Hour, who claim to create ‘video magic at your fingertips’ and there is evidence in the police report that emails were exchanged between him and the engineer. Whether they were of a pornographic nature or not is uncertain, however we do know that part of the reference to Brett from Magic Hour is redacted and coded, which suggests that it is a description of child sexual abuse.

What is notable is that Magic Hour has a long list of big-name clients listed on their website. These include AT&T, McDonalds, Hewlett Packard, Holland America and, of course, Microsoft. I have reached out directly to them (so have others I researched this case with) and asked about Brett and their relationship with ‘Uncle RJ’. To date, I have not received a response. Nor has anybody else to the best of my knowledge.

Most frustrating of all is the fact that the warped engineer is a free man today and has not done any jail time for his crimes. Magic Hour continues to operate, still boasting of their celebrated customers, with their link to Rick Allen Jones and his child pornography stash remaining a mystery.

Bill Gates, of course, is never quizzed about these subjects. When you can afford to spend millions of dollars bribing the media, you ensure that you are exempt from such analysis. The subject matter discussed in this article will not be aired on CNN or BBC. We cannot expect, anytime soon, to hear Anderson Cooper or Don Lemon broach these facts. In the meantime, we are expected to ignore the elephant in the room and acquiesce to Bill Gates’ demands. We must stay tight-lipped and heed his advice. Depressingly, many do.

In the meantime we drift further into our Brave New World; one that sees innocent people locked up for not wearing a mask or for invoking their right to protest, as immoral, degenerate, child-abusing individuals like Rick Allen Jones walk with impunity on our streets. Bill Gates, the man who employed this reprobate and who wined and dined serial child abuser, Epstein, is held up as a saintly saviour, destined to protect us all from whatever danger he can conjure up for us - with no accountability and no attempt from the CIA agents masquerading as journalists in the mainstream media to get to the truth.

Undoubtedly, the plandemic has served as a great diversion for Gates, taking attention away from his affiliations with the most depraved in our society. But, it is high time now that he started to answer some very basic questions. Such as, why was a known distributor of child pornography, one he employed, sending emails to a man who was directly involved in a video production business which lists an organization that Gates founded as a client? Why were some of the pornographic images discovered in his employee’s trove of exploitation and abuse marked in the name of Bill Gates’ wife? Why did Gates continue to associate with Jeffrey Epstein, despite the knowledge of his abuse of underage girls? Why did he use the private plane of a child molester, when he has a plane of his own? Why didn’t Gates make his donation to MIT directly? Why did he pay it through Epstein? Why was a business associate named as an executor to Epstein’s will?

As verifiable, hard evidence exists in the form of police reports, court documents and bank statements, Gates cannot pull off his usual ploy - dismissing facts as wild conspiracy theories. He cannot gaslight the public any longer.

As a man who feels he has the right to know the ins and outs of everyone’s business and who inserts himself into the spotlight of every major world crisis, the least he can do is answer for the aforementioned connections. If it was you or I who was associated with an infamous child trafficker, or who had employed a trader of child pornography in our homes, you can be sure we would be asked to explain ourselves. There is no reason why Gates shouldn’t have to do the same.

In my book, The COVID-19 Illusion; A Cacophony of Lies, many of the characters at the forefront of the Coronavirus pandemic are placed under the microscope. They all have skeletons in the closet. This includes Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (a man who has connections to terrorism and genocide), Dr. Anthony Fauci (a man who championed the poisonous and deadly AZT drug and approved its use on AIDS victims) and Professor Neil Ferguson (a man with a knack for getting it wrong via his erroneous computer-simulated projections). By far though, the person who is most shrouded in controversy is Bill Gates.

On top of the aforementioned connections with paedophilia, Gates has also been implicated in the suffering of children in Third World nations, as a direct result of his medical interventions - namely vaccination campaigns. His insertion into public health protocol arises even though he is not a doctor and does not have a medical degree. A report from the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health showed how his polio vaccines were responsible for 491,000 cases of paralysis in children in the state of Utter Pradesh, India. He has been accused of unethical practices and his experimental HPV vaccine drive was criticized for being deliberately misleading to vulnerable village girls. His team of vaccinators were also discovered to have bullied parents and forged documents. In Africa, his meningitis vaccine campaign alone caused the paralysis of 50 children and the Gates Foundation-funded GSK malaria vaccine is known to have killed 151 infants.

Again, if it was you or I practicing medicine without appropriate qualifications, how do you think we would be treated by authorities?

There can be no further evasion for Bill Gates. His silence on these matters must end. The public wants to know about the effects of his vaccines on children in Africa and India. They want to know about his connections to child abusers in the West. They have a right to ask and a right to know.

The farting cows and fake breast milk lectures can wait.

Bill Gates needs to start speaking about his crimes. It’s well past time he was held accountable for them.

Gary Jordan

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